

David was doing well with his Asthma and breathing issues & his antibiotics but has now developed "colic" what the heck is all this crying about? 
David was nearly 3 months old now and Thanksgiving was right around the corner, a holiday to be thankful for all you have, I am going to pass on making comments on this holiday and say I am thankful I have to work.  David will be staying the night with my folks, me when I get off work so I will be there when our feast is ready.  My sister will be coming down as well, my aunt and her family will be over as well as the girl's when they finish with their dad's family.
I had less than a week to prepare for this holiday and we had our appointment with infectious disease in a couple days.

I went back to work and I was actually happy and looking for a little {mind} rest, that was a sad statement especially since my job is one of the most stressful listed in America's job census. 
David was at home with my daughter, she was scared he would have another episode since he had been in the hospital twice now, we talked and she knew what to look for, we were both certain he had enough meds in him now to be good till he was 2, but we still both worried ourselves sick.
I prayed he slept so she could sleep, I know how draining it had become and what a toll it takes and she was still in school, I felt so guilty I had to mentally block the thoughts and just go through the motions!

I had called and changed David's appointment to my first day off, they were aware of my work schedule and the office was more than accommodating. 
I hardly ever sleep anymore so it was nothing to be up it seemed as soon as I had laid my head on the pillow when I came home from work.  I took my daughter to school and came back to get David and I ready for his appointment.
David napped the way down so when we arrived he was bright eyed and in a great mood, this made the girl's in the office as well as the doctor very happy.  David was a happy and loving little baby, he always seemed to have a smile on his face, I claimed to see it everyday!
The doctor gave us a clean bill on this visit, said all of David's tests looked good from his last stay and he would see us in 3 weeks due to the holiday.  I thanked him for all he has done for us, he winked and patted my back and said "of course" as we left the office.

I packed our bag and took David to my folks, only to return when I got off work in the wee morning hours.  Work was busy, time seemed to fly bye, this was a good thing. 
I slept for a few hours then it was rise and shine, they had a smaller house and it was NOT as insulated so the moment I heard David stirring I felt I had to be up.  I knew my mom had to cook and I wasn't sure what time my sister was coming down, so I begged for some coffee and off to the shower I went. 
I went into the kitchen to get my fuel, err coffee, I absolutely hated the stuff growing up and, well, now it was a main staple, kind of funny I think.  My mom greeted me and said my dad was outside with David on the patio so that is where I was headed, I told her I would be back to help her in a few.
David was sleep in his carrier and my dad was focused in his thoughts, I sat down and he asked how I slept, I just smiled and he knew.  My mom had a bed for me in my sister's room, I ended up on the couch, there was NO way I could have slept in her bed, let alone her room, I made my pallet on the couch, it was comfy and when your exhausted I think a round rock would have been just as comfy!!

Before I knew it my sister had arrived and my Aunt as well as my godmother had arrived also, it was nice to have some noise in the house, yet it reminded me, well, all of us, of the day we buried her.  This was the "first" gathering since her passing just barely 3 months ago now, it was just still SO raw & surreal.
My aunt and godmother had taken over the cooking, it took all my mom had to even start what she had started, I know having us all there was just what she had needed.  Since they were suddenly living alone and the constant company had stopped it was a huge reality check for both my folks, they were still just functioning above the level of the dead, I say this as she was still ALL over the house, her room and bathroom still untouched, her toothbrush still on the sink and her robe still hanging on the door. 

We had a great meal and I was ready for a nap, I grabbed David and made mention I hope he is ready for a nap, my sister stopped me and said "please let me rock him so you can get some good rest" I was more than willing to let her rock him, bond with him and I would in turn get some uninterrupted sleep, win-win :)
I slept till I had to go back to work, my sister was actually going to stay with my folks tonight so I would go home after I got off work and come back down tomorrow late morning, it would be my day off so I could sleep that night and they would have some quality time with David.

For this I was THANKFUL!


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