
I'm NOT alone.....am I?

please tell me I am NOT the only one who has ever wanted to stay in bed, pull the covers over my head and hide out, FOREVER!  it could quite possibly be depression is knocking at your door, but then it goes away because you won't answer....THANK GOODNESS

please tell me I am NOT the only one who has put it all out there and then questioned the manner in which it was being received?  I mean why do it in the first place if it is not going to be the gift you intended it to be....YESTERDAY IS THE PAST AND TODAY IS A GIFT, hence WHY IT IS CALLED THE PRESENT

please tell me I am NOT the only one who gets hurt feelings, one who has healed a broken heart, or two! do they ever truly heal? I mean they say you lose a part of you everytime something tragic happens, where does that "PART" come from??

please tell me I am NOT the only one has learned the hard way from my mistakes and that I can acknowledge when I am wrong, put the past behind me and forgive, yet never FORGET!!  that's not a bad thing, RIGHT??

please tell me I am NOT the only one see's the inner beauty in people, is nieve to the fact their is evil in each one of us and that there is a simple class of  "do-gooders" and "rule breakers" amoung us!!

please tell me I am NOT the only one looking for answers where there are none to be found, why it is SO hard to take NO for an answer, given your request to ask is always YES?!?!  I guess it follows the old addage "don't ask a question you don't want the answer to" but but but I DO!!

please tell me I am NOT the only one who has cried over spilt milk!!

please tell me I am NOT the only only who has been lied to....WAIT, now I have to believe there are LIARS amoung us also?? say it is NOT so!!

please tell me I am NOT the only who speeds and had forgotten how to compose a simple letter BY HAND...

please tell me I am NOT the only one who is the ONLY one?!?!

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